Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Tao of Twitter by Mark Schaefer is a great outlet for anyone who is not familiar with Twitter. I have had my own twitter account for about two years now.  Some of the information in the book I learned on my own. But the author gets into more detailed ways to promote yourself or a story you’re trying to share.  Almost every company or organization has a twitter. This site is a great way to stay connected to the things that interest you the most. Mark gives great advice about how to stay professional, even though twitter can be your personal account.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Attention all teens!
                The boys and girls club of Manchester and Child Health Services are holding a one day event for all teen in the local area. The event is called Be Smart Date Smart.  The event will be held at the Radisson Hotel on Elm St on May 11th starting at 2 pm. This event is free and there will be many activities included.
                Please arrive on time to register and get a free goody bad. Before the event starts there will be food and drinks served. The event will promptly begin at three. There will be three different sessions run by trained staff from the Child Health Services. After you complete two out the three sessions there will be a session held by volunteers from the Boys and Girls Club. They will be doing popular arts and crafts found on Pinterest.
The three sessions held by CHS are:
Dating in the media
What is love?
                We are encouraging teens from around New Hampshire to join us on this day. Our goal is promote healthy relationships.